Mobile Satellite Ventures announces service

Jan 12 2006 - 02:31 PM ET | Backpage, In The News

Mobile Satellite Ventures announced that it has signed a contract with Boeing for three satellites that will be used for American mobile communication. MSV aims to provide nationwide voice and data coverage starting sometimes after the satellites are launched in 2009 and 2010.

The contract is a big win for Boeing and is the largest satellite order for the company since 1997.

Under the new deal, three Boeing geo-mobile satellites, among the most powerful ever built, will support what the companies described as advanced and widespread voice and data coverage throughout North and Latin America... They will supply 11,000 watts of power with a primary antenna almost 75 feet across, about twice as large as any existing commercial satellite, MSV said.

Satellite phones are currently very expensive, but MSV believes that by the time their service is ready the phones will be much more similar in features/size/price to cellular phones.

[via PhoneScoop]